Готовый кроссворд по английскому языку - на тему «Педагогика»

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4. One way of education, involving their own or with the help of teachers training at home and examinations at a particular institution
10. The loss of a person of mental balance, stability, weakening activity and performance. The loss of its inherent properties and the impoverishment of all its faculties: sense, judgment, talent, activity, and others. The degradation of the individual indicates an increase in irritability, impairment of attention and memory, decreased adaptation possibilities narrowing interest
12. Institution, which appeared in xiv - xv centuries. as the connecting stage between primary and higher education
14. Conscious and purposeful work of the individual to establish and improve at the positive and eliminate the negative qualities
17. Adjustable society and, in most states, recorded in the relevant state bodies familial link between people who have reached a certain age, generating their rights and responsibilities towards each other as well as to children
20. The term that reflects the spirit zpohi whose aim was to replace the staunch religious authorities in other, related to the development of scientific, philosophical and social thought. The basis of this intellectual movement lay rationalism and freethinking
По вертикали
1. Academic hour spent a pupil at a school desk from bell to bell
2. Position the person hired urban communities to open schools
3. Philosophy and subculture, initially emerged in the 1960s in the United States that promotes freedom and the desire to return to the natural purity through love and pacifism
5. The psychological impact on the human consciousness in which there is an uncritical acceptance of their beliefs and attitudes. It is a specially formed verbal (but sometimes emotional) structure
6. One of the basic elements of education, characterized by the presence of the state document - a certificate of completion, certificate, diploma, etc
7. Genre fiction is close to science fiction, describes a model of the ideal from the point of view of the author, society. The name of the genre is associated with the product, which likewise referred to the island, where dwells the ideal society
8. Preschool for children 1.5-3 years
9. Direction in the development of education, characterized by taking into account the personal characteristics of students and students in all forms of cooperation with them in the process of training and education. individualization Creativity individual characterized willingness to adopt and create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted thinking and schemes included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor, as well as the ability to solve problems in
11. The period of life between childhood and adolescence
13. The process is characterized by the manifestation of the vital relationship of the subject with the world in which the products of his activity, he himself, as well as other individuals and social groups, as carriers of certain norms, attitudes and values, understood as the opposite to himself (from dissimilarities to rejection and hostility
14. The trend of development of the modern education system lies in its orientation to the implementation of state educational standards, namely a set of obligatory disciplines in a well-defined volume of hours
15. The science that studies the existing canons of education among the peoples of the world at different stages of historical development. ethnographer
16. Higher education institution, which trains specialists in many fundamental and applied sciences, as a rule, carries out scientific and research work
18. The concept evolved to date in osnoy source of income information
19. The principle of education, identified with the accessibility of education at all ages due to the variety of forms of training

Похожие категории кроссвордов:

Общая педагогика
Социальная педагогика
Психология и педагогика
Коррекционная педагогика

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По психологии - Педагогика
По педагогике - Инновационная педагогика
По педагогике - Специальная педагогика
По педагогике - Коррекционная педагогика

Кроссворды по английскому языку

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