По горизонтали
2. Verb, can be replaced with to try
3. Treaties, books or other, where you can get information
4. Insomuch as
8. Verb, can be replaced with to consist of
9. Verb, its when you want someone to do smth
10. Comformity
12. Contract
13. Convincing
16. Whet it doesnt let you do smth
18. Its what is being told in court in the end of hearing
19. Its when you know, that you must do the thing anyway
20. Argumentation
22. That is possible
23. Consequent
24. When you want to do smth without any compensation
25. When smth or someone has its own features
По вертикали
1. Can be replaced with common
5. Or the first meaning of smth
6. The way to do smth, sometimes you need to find it to do everything right
7. Literal
11. To be sure in smth
14. Can be replaced with rules or customs
15. Finding the right meaning of smth
17. Thing that you want to achieve
21. Can be replaced by efficient