Готовый кроссворд по английскому языку - на тему «Nature»

По горизонтали
5. An occasion when you test a new idea, method, or activity to find out what the result will be
8. Worth a lot of money/very useful and important
10. Knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activity
11. A study about interactions among organisms and environvent
13. Organism that dwells on the bottom of a water
19. Something that causes trouble or difficulty
20. Someone who studies science
21. Importance/usefulness
По вертикали
1. The process of watching someone or something carefully, in order to find something out
2. To recognize the good or special qualities of a person, place, or thing
3. Relating to science, or based on its methods
4. Unusual in a way that surprises or impresses you
6. Not happening very often
7. Free-swimming animals with gelatinous bell
9. A feature of an organism that is evolved by natural election
10. A change of biological populations over successive generations
12. Pathogens, produce deseases, microorganisms
13. The biggest mammal in the ocean
14. To look at something carefully in order to find out about it or see what it is like
15. What are snakes, turtles and crocodiles?
16. To watch someone doing something, or to watch something happening
17. To become conscious of someone or something by seeing, hearing, or feeling them
18. Animals, birds, and plants that live in natural conditions

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