Готовый кроссворд по английскому языку - на тему «Биохимия. Обмен липидов»

По горизонтали
5. High level cholesterol is called hypercholesterolemia
11. Which acid is formed during the process of phosphorylation of glycerol and addition of 2 molecules of ffa
16. By means of what enzyme glycerin turns in glycerophosphate
19. Acylation of dag gives
22. Micelles enter the intestianal wall by
По вертикали
1. Which fatty acids undergo lipids peroxidation
2. Changing of the content of lipoproteins in blood plasma is called
3. Under influence of what enzyme phospholipids are hydrolyzed
4. What is formed due to kinase reaction of glycerin with atp
6. Glycerolphosphate is oxidized to
7. Which enzyme hydrolyzes esters of cholesterol
8. Exchange of tag depends on
9. Where goes oxidative phosphorylation of pyruvic acid
10. What is the formation of lipids
12. Cholesterol is the precursor of four types of steroid hormone: one of them-
13. Particles which transport tag from intestine to another organs and tissues are
14. Formation of gallstones
15. Dephosphorylation of Phosphatidic acid gives
17. Glycerin takes part in
18. Synthesis of lipids from intermediate products of a metabolism is called
19. The synthesis of … occurs from phosphatidic acid
20. Pathological thickening of the shell of arteries by formation of atherosclerotic plaques is called
21. Compounds which decrease superficial tension of lipid’s drops is
23. What is the main energy source for atp synthesis
24. Chylomicrons are synthesized in

Похожие категории кроссвордов:


Похожие кроссворды

По биохимии - Обмен веществ
По патофизиологии - Углеводный обмен
По биологии - Обмен веществ
По медицине - Обмен белков и углеводов
По обществознанию - Торговля, реклама, обмен

Кроссворды по английскому языку

- U -
USA [25]
- У -
- Ц -



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