Готовый кроссворд по английскому языку - на тему «Qualities of character»

По горизонтали
3. A person who gives more than takes is …
4. When people feel deeply and quickly respond to somebody`s actions and saying, they are …
6. His feeling are always clear for other people: when he`s happy, it`s shown, and when he`s sad - you see it too, it means he`s …
7. Whe I was a child, my elder sister was always … for me, whatever I`ve done
8. Oh, Mike taks too much about everything, he is a very … boy!
По вертикали
1. Bobby likes communications and interactions with others, he is so …
2. When we join a new class or a group, we are usually feel …
5. Sally, can`t you wait just a little more? Why are you always so … ?

Кроссворды по английскому языку

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USA [25]
- У -
- Ц -



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