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The Motley Fool's What to Do with Your Money Now: Ten Steps to Staying Up in a Down Market

Автор: David Gardner
Год: 2003
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0743234650
Amazon.comGo back in time for a minute, when the Motley Fool's last big investment book was first published in January 1999. The NASDAQ was hovering at around 2300, stocks like Cisco and Microsoft were leading the markets up, and the Motley Fool had fourbooks on Amazon's bestseller lists, including Rule Breakers, Rule Makers , which for that month was listed at No. 3. Since then, the stock market has boomed and crashed, the economy has sunk in and out of recession, and millions of investors (including the Fools) have watched their stock portfolios shrink. In What to Do with Your Money Now , the Gardner brothers draw lessons from the mistakes that lead to the bust and offer a plethora of advice aimed at guiding investors in this more sober economic environment. Much of what they recommend echoes the practical advice offered in their earlier books (e.g., create a financial plan, get out of debt), while other prescriptions offer a truer reflection of the times (e.g., consider...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:14:32



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