Fix It & Flip It: How To Make Money Rehabbing Real Estate For Profit Even In A Down Market
Автор: [автор не указан] Год: 2011 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 288 ISBN: 9780071544146 Repair, remodel, resell-and get your top investment dollar The current real estate market is ripe for rehabbing. Based on decades of successful flipping experience, this Revised and Expanded edition of the real estate classic Fix It and Flip It will help you buy the right property at the right price and use professional estimating tools to plan the project and control costs. Katie and Gene Hamilton also include Worksheets and checklists to evaluate, coordinate, and supervise the job New strategies for down markets, including how to use renting as a fallback position Fresh flipping strategies for condos, a rapidly growing investment category 25 brand-new tips for do-it-yourself investors in the “Quick Fixes, Cleanups, and Repairs That Make You Money” section