Автор: [автор не указан] Год: 2004 Издание:Harvard Business Press Страниц: 160 ISBN: 1591393493 Managers are under increasing pressure to deliver better results faster than the competition. But meeting today's tough challenges requires complete mastery of a full array of management skills, from communicating and coaching to public speaking and managing people. The Results-Driven Manager series is designed to help time-pressed managers hone and polish the skills they need most. Concise, action-oriented, and packed with invaluable strategies and tools, these timely guides will help managers improve their job performance today-and give them the edge they need to become the leaders of tomorrow. "Presentations That Persuade and Motivate": Overcome "stage fright"; Know your audience and customize your message; Read and react to your audience's body language; Tackle the tough questions; Deliver memorable closings audiences will act on.