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103 Golden Tips to Turbo Charge Your Business, Make More Money and Get Rich

Автор: Marshall Paul
Год: 2014
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 230
ISBN: 9780646438627
Written by Australia's Number 1 "Golden Tips Authority" and peppered with inspirational quotes from the past and present "BIG BOY" and "BIG GIRL" movers and shakers, this book delivers key information on the history of money, banks and wealth. Written in simple and easy to understand language, Paul reveals secret key levers to cashflow as well as many other "not so common" business essentials that can be beneficially applied to almost all businesses. Valuable golden tips on people management, marketing and the Internet are also revealed capturing many of the key elements in investigating, purchasing and operating a business in today's competitive environments. This book will assist you to become totally inspired and you will have no excuse not to take action on your creative ideas, business ventures, moneymaking and other pursuits. You will learn and be consistently reminded that the definition of failure is not results or outcomes, but just one very simple definition; "no action". ...
Добавлено: 2015-04-22 23:39:17



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