Маркетинг. Общие вопросы

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85 Winning Strategies To Dominate Affiliate Marketing: The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Guide That Will Teach You Successful Affiliate Marketing ... Tips To Boost Up Your Business Profits Today!

Автор: Jeffrey V. Brooks
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 314
ISBN: 1481074628
Affiliate internet marketing is a very recent development and is soon gaining solid grounds. Affiliate marketing allows you to get associated with leading bloggers and website owners ready to promote your services or products. An “affiliation” is a relationship (an agreement) between two parties in which one party sells the products or services of the other in exchange for a commission. A good online affiliation program, even with a competitor, can supercharge sales. The product owner wins with additional sales and the affiliate wins by receiving a commission. If you indulge in affiliate internet marketing there are no chances of you losing money. All the money you invest will surely bring you results, because in affiliate internet marketing you only pay on basis of performance. You only have to pay only when a lead is converted or sales takes place through affiliate marketing. The affiliate does not have to create or transport the product that is sold, or even collect the money. ...
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 09:44:02

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