Готовый кроссворд по английскому языку - на тему «New frontiers»

По горизонтали
2. Huge collection of stars
4. Group of atoms
9. An area of study
10. Flow of electricity
13. Physical material
15. Part of an atom
18. Ability of computers to think
21. How far light travels
23. Scientific study or search
По вертикали
1. On the net
2. Collection of genetic information
3. To move round a planet
5. Two equal statements
6. Information or facts
7. Part of cell inherited from parents
8. Sequence of actions
11. Method for doing something
12. Very small living things
14. Energy produced by some elements
16. Small electrical circuit
17. Drug like penicilin
19. Rock in the space
20. Rule that explains force
22. Attraction force
24. A piece of research

Кроссворды по английскому языку

- U -
USA [25]
- У -
- Ц -



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