Кросcворд по английскому языку по темам "England", "USA", "Canada"

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Кросcворд по английскому языку по темам Кросcворд по английскому языку по темам
По горизонтали
6. The name of the novelist, her surname is Lee
7. Wide ny street
8. Durable pants made by Levi
9. The longest us river nicknamed Big Muddy
11. The opening of the tennis tournament is celebrated on 1 june
14. It is one of the remarkable places in the uk, stone construction
16. State where the Entertainment capital of the world is
20. This is one of the famous historical cities of the uk
21. …… University is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States
22. Automobile centre on the Great Lakes

По вертикали
1. It is 12th century university
2. What is the birthplace of Shakespeare
3. One of the Greatest Lakes
4. city name consonant with the fire bird
5. Who was lord protector of england?
9. This city is well-known because of footbal club
10. Beautifull bridge in "this" city
12. This building has 600 rooms
13. The opening of the tennis tournament is celebrated on 1 june
15. A popular holiday which includes costume parties and trick-or-treating and so on.
17. The official currency of the USA.
18. An Indian hero of an epic song
19. Symbol of the holiday of st. patrick
21. Death Valley is the … place in the world

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