Исторические любовные романы

Список источников >Художественная литература >Любовные романы >Исторические любовные романы >

You Belong To Me

Автор: Lindsey Johanna
Год: 2014

Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 9780552143837
No man existed who could tame Alexandra Rubliov. Fiery, wilful and beautiful, Alex defied her father's wish for her to marry until, in desperation, he recalled a long-forgotten agreement between him and his oldest friend that Alex should marry his friend's only son, Count Vasili Petroff. Vasili, overbearing, arrogant and unbelievably handsome, was forced to take the unwilling Alex back to the kingdom of Cardinia - as his bride. While the unwilling pair travelled through the snowy mountains back to Vasili's home they did their best to repulse each other - but the passion which flared between them was too strong to be denied, and the fires of their love blazed for all to see.
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 15:19:50



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