О любви и сексе для детей и подростков

Список источников >Детям и родителям >Познавательная и справочная литература >О любви и сексе для детей и подростков >

Why Don't You Love Me? I'm the Best Choice

Автор: Debi Davis
Год: 2006
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 136
ISBN: 9781893302914
There really IS someone out there, just for YOU!! How many times have you told yourself "this is the right (man or woman) I truly want to spend my life with," only to be disappointed. once again? If you want to put an end to the "heartbreak syndrome" and find that perfect partner AT LAST, this book is for you! Learn how to discover who "you" really are, and what you really want in a lifetime partner. Then follow author Debi Davis' easy steps for manifesting your mate. For those who feel trapped in a relationship that isn't working yet are afraid to let go, Davis will help you take those important steps to free yourself and move on, with courage and faith that the right partner really is there for you when you are ready to receive them.
Добавлено: 2015-04-23 00:11:42



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