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Where Did My Country Go?

Автор: R Dean Chrisco
Год: 2014
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 472
ISBN: 9780990310068
Where Did My Country Go and Taking My Country Back A clandestine war has been raging against American ideals and Christian beliefs/morality for well over a century, surfacing in the last few decades to reveal the sinister face of the enemy. The enemy's war machinery is being run by those who call themselves "Progressives." In truth, there is nothing at all progressive about them; their name masks the eons old belief system of secular humanism and their collectivist mission to steal liberty. This enemy's mortar fire has been targeting our American heritage, chiseling away at the foundation of Christian beliefs, morality, ethics, and free enterprise which our Founding Fathers put in place as underpinnings of the American dream. One tragedy from these savage attacks is a remanufactured, politically correct, phony, and deceptive history that has been rewritten about who Americans are, the individualism that has made our nation great, making us the envy of the world. Our author Dean...
Добавлено: 2015-04-22 23:32:58



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