WarDriving: Drive, Detect, Defend, A Guide to Wireless Security
Автор:Chris Hurley, Michael Puchol, Russ Rogers, Frank Thornton Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 1931836035 The term WarDriving originates from WarDialing, a term introduced to the public by Matthew Broderick's character, David Lightman, in the 1983 movie "WarGames." WarDialing is the practice of using a modem attached to a computer to dial an entire exchangeof telephone numbers to locate any computers with modems attached to them. WarDriving employs the same concept, although it is updated to a more current technology; wireless networks. A WarDriver drives around a geographical location to determine all of the wireless access points in that area. Once these access points are discovered, a WarDriver uses a software program or Web site to map the results of his efforts. Based on these results, a statistical analysis is performed. This statistical analysis canbe of one drive, one area, or a general overview of all wireless networks. WarDriving became more well known when the process was automated by Peter Shipley, a computer security consultant in Berkeley, California. During the fall of...