Классическая и современная проза

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Vivir adrede

Автор: Mario Benedetti
Год: 2009
Издание: Punto De Lectura
Страниц: 256
ISBN: 9788466315418
Do the choices we make betray us in the end? What is the difference between an inevitable and a vocational suicidal tendency? Using these and other considerations, "Vivir adrede" reflects upon life the life of those who love and those who kill, those who believe in God and those who choose to bid adieu, those who envelop in a loving hug and those who oppress, those who are condemned to death and those whose existence condemns them with the profoundness that is achieved only through the simplest of words. Description in Spanish: ''Todo es adrede, todo hace trizas el alma.'' Mario Benedetti Nos traicionan nuestras propias huellas Que diferencia hay entre un suicida inevitable y uno vocacional? A traves de planteamientos como estos, Vivir adrede reflexiona sobre la vida. La vida de los que aman y los que matan; de los que creen en Dios o le dicen ''adios''; de los que abrazan y los que oprimen; del condenado a muerte y de aquellos cuya existencia es la condena. Y lo hace con la...
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 15:38:37



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