Untapped Options: Building Links Between Marketing and Human Resources to Achieve Organizational Goals in Health Care
Автор:Bea Northcott, Janette Helm, Bea Northcott, Janette Helm Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 078795537, 078795537X, 078795537X An AHA Press/Jossey-Bass Resource Untapped Options is an invaluable resource for health care leaders who want to help their organizations succeed. Bea Northcott and Janette Helm, experts in the field of health care management, have created a practical approach that explores how human resources and marketing managers can combine forces and work together to create mission, vision, and values statements that will drive a common strategy to organizational excellence. Step-by-step, Northcott and Helm show how to implement this innovative approach that, once in place, will contain costs, bolster employee satisfaction and productivity, and increase customer satisfaction.