Автор: [автор не указан] Год: 2009 Издание:Time Out Страниц: 1368 ISBN: 9781846701306 The 18th edition of this indispensable guide, comprising a whopping 1,400 pages, contains all the features readers have come to expect. Equally useful for trivia hounds, casual dippers, and hardcore cinephiles, "Time Out Film Guide 2010" shows a happy egalitarianism, with popular genre movies reviewed alongside art-house treasures. The series has been hailed for having more complete international coverage than any comparable film guide, and this edition proves it with 500 new reviews in every genre of world cinema. Dozens of appendices arrange movies by category — from dramas, thrillers, and comedies to Italian, Japanese, and Iranian films. Cast and director lists make it easy to locate a favorite star or auteur, including the year of each film cited. Extensive cross-indexes, one of the series’ trademarks, have been updated. Reviews of notable DVD releases and a list of the world’s 100 key film websites help make this the one must-have film guide.