
Список источников >Художественная литература >Поэзия >

This Little Red Bitch in My Chest

Автор: Rik Woods
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 208
ISBN: 1413714765
Book DescriptionThis Little Red Bitch in My Chest is a collection of poetry, a collection of life written by Rik Woods. This is not a collection of flowing words that rhyme to a certain rhythm. The writing style is open, descriptive and aggressive.The book is divided into chapters, allowing the reader to choose the type of poetry their mind dictates. This Little Red Bitch in My Chest is a collection of life. Life isn't always gentle and beautiful. This poetry collection may open doors into subjects many would prefer to ignore. You will find poetry about the beauty of love and life, but you will also read about the pain and heartbreak of love and about the pain and sorrow of abuse.When you read This Little Red Bitch in My Chest, you will be drawn into the pages to experience life as seen through the eyes of the author.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:43:38



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