Автор:Mark Pearrow Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 1584500565 Today a Web site is only as valuable as it is productive. Users need sites that are easy to use and helpful. The sites that are not, lose their visitors? interest quickly and can cost companies loyal customers. This is even more of an issue when users might be coming to a site via a wireless device. Not only do designers have to consider different platforms and browsers when designing sites, now they need to consider different devices and user agents for viewing with those devices. So how do you design a site that is effective on all these devices? You begin by knowing your users and understanding how and why your content is accessed. From there you can address the needs of your specific users and design accordingly. The goals of The Wireless Web Usability Handbook are threefold: provide designers with a new awareness of the ways that pervasive computing affects how humans interact; give designers an understanding of the problems and risks involved with this new generation of...