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The Search For Unrational Leadership: Using Rational And Irrational Methods To Change Your Life

Автор: Charles Fleetham
Год: 2005
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 097638681, 097638681X, 097638681X
Book DescriptionIn The Search for Unrational Leadership, the author Charles Fleetham, founder and president of Project Innovations, Inc.In this internal quest, they learn how to confront their dark side, how to release hidden energy, and how to make ethical decisions. The theme of the book is tapping the unconscious. According to Fleetham, "The problems plaguing our world today are generally irrational, and logical (rational) decision-making alone is not enough to solve these challenges. Unrational Leadership? unseals the intuitive self that has been buried for centuries and uses it to solve the huge challenges confronting our world." The book includes case studies of individuals and organizations that have successfully applied the principles ofunrational leadership, a set of five magical fairy tales that illustrate the inner heroic journey and a four-color map depicting the path.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:15:19



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