Автор:E. L. Jones, Eric Jones Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 1840648066 ?At last we have a book on contemporary global economic issues written by a leading authority on the history of the world economy. Building on his earlier classics - The European Miracle and Growth Recurring - Eric Jones examines the fundamental factors driving long-run economic growth. Exposing platitudes and political correctness, Jones delivers his own hard-headed verdict on a range of topical global issues, including sustainability, linguistic diversity and the contribution of ?Asian values? to economic growth. Scholars seeking a fresh perspective on global issues cannot do better than consult this important and provocative book.? - Mark Casson, University of Reading, UK ?Eric Jones is one of the most original and interesting economic historians of our age. In this wide-ranging and eclectic book, he shows us his erudition and thoughtfulness at his best. His sparkling style and breadth of learning make for an idiosyncratic personal approach to...