The Portable Executive: Building Your Own Job Security from Corporate Dependency to Self-Direction
Автор:John A. Thompson, Catharine A. Henningsen Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0684818914 The downsizing of America -- once thought to be a temporary cost-cutting measure to boost profit margins -- has brought a swift end to the era of "lifetime employment." Given the fact that these terminations are nationwide, affect every industry, and areusually neither fault-based nor predictable, no executive is immune. Based on interviews with over 100 now-portable executives who were among the first casualties of downsizing, The Portable Executive explores the unlimited opportunities available to those who are independent, self-directed, and willing to work on a contract basis. It explains: How to make a smooth transition to becoming "portable" How to identify, continually update, and market your skills Why companies that downsize full-time employees are willing to hire executives on an as-needed basis How and why the relationship between employers and executives has changed from boss/worker to peer/peer And much more --...