The Official Get Rich Guide To Information Marketing: Build A Million-Dollar Business In 12 Months
Автор: [автор не указан] Год: 2011 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 288 ISBN: 9781599181400 Welcome to the information marketing industry - a little-known industry of entrepreneurs, most working only part-time hours and netting seven-figure profits. Info-marketers gather information and sell it in convenient forms to people who need it. The topics include everything imaginable from better sex, to teaching parrots to talk, to gardening, to investing in real estate, to running businesses. In addition to an easy 9-step process for you to create your own info-business, this book profiles 29 info-marketers, reveals their businesses strategies, marketing materials and business documents so you can have the tools you need to duplicate their success. How a Real Estate Millionaire Gets His Customers to Do the Selling for Him ….. Page 159 How One Ex-Salesman, Ex-Law Enforcement Officer, Ex-Company Owner Turned Surplus Junk Into a Million-Dollar Info-business ….. Page 28 A High School Kid Built a Business and Earned More Than His College Professors...