The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan: How to Take Charge, Build Your Team, and Get Immediate Results
Автор:George B. Bradt, Jayme A. Check, Jorge E. Pedraza Год: 2015 Издание:John Wiley and Sons, Ltd Страниц: 322 ISBN: 9781118097540 Your first 100 days in a new leadership role are critical to the success of your mission, your relationship with your new team, and your career. Turnover is high among new leaders who "didn't work out" and the costs to them and their organizations are dramatic. The solution is for every new leader to have an "onboarding" plan. This updated and revised third edition of the bestseller The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan delivers expert guidance to prepare executives for their new leadership roles, accelerate their results, and reduce turnover. With new chapters and sample action plans, the third edition: Helps you assess the internal political culture you'll be facing Explains why your new job doesn't start on "Day 1" but on the day you accept the offer--and how to use the valuable time before "Day 1" Explains the "BRAVE" approach to motivating your new team members by understanding their Behaviors, Relationships, Attitudes, Values, and...