The New Law of Demand and Supply: The Revolutionary New Demand Strategy for Faster Growth and Higher Profits
Автор:Rick Kash Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0385504322 A groundbreaking business book for the twenty-first century, The New Law of Demand and Supply overturns the traditional supply-side approach to how business is done, showing why a demand-based approach is essential to success in today’s economy. For more than two hundred years, companies have based their approach to business on supply-side economics, concentrating on creating products and services and then attempting, through marketing, publicity, distribution and promotion tostimulate a demand for them. While most companies have factored in customer feedback, focus groups, and broad-based market research, their basic approach has remained the same. And it is a mistake. In The New Law of Demand and Supply, Cambridge Group CEO Rick Kash argues that in order to succeed in today’s market, companies must reverse their approach by first determining what current and emerging demand exists and then by creating products and services to meet that demand. Fora host of...