Основы предпринимательства

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Предпринимательство. Отраслевой бизнес >Основы предпринимательства >

The National Association of Realtors Guide to Home Buying

Автор: National Association of Realtors (NAR), Blanche Evans
Год: 2006
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 296
ISBN: 047003789, 047003789X, 047003789X
This one-of-a-kind resource gives you all the practical and insightful information you need to find your ideal home and get it at a great price. You’ll avoid common mistakes with step-by-step guidance on the buying process, as well as useful tools like checklists and guidelines and vital information on everything from financing to negotiations.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:16:19



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