The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)
Автор:Sergio M. Focardi Год: 2004 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0471465992 Book Descriptionthe mathematics of financial modeling & investment management The Mathematics of Financial Modeling & Investment Management covers a wide range of technical topics in mathematics and finance?enabling the investment management practitioner, researcher, or student to fully understand the process of financial decision-making and its economic foundations. This comprehensive resource will introduce you to key mathematical techniques?matrix algebra, calculus, ordinary differential equations, probability theory, stochastic calculus, time series analysis, optimization?as well as show you how these techniques are successfully implemented in the world of modern finance. Special emphasis is placed on the new mathematicaltools that allow a deeper understanding of financial econometrics and financial economics. Recent advances in financial econometrics, such as tools for estimating and representing the tails of the distributions, the analysis of...