Автор:Mark O. George Год: 2010 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 328 ISBN: 9780470539576 Praise for The Lean Six Sigma guide to Doing More with Less "At Frito Lay, we have applied many of the concepts and tools in this book, and we are realizing a five to seven times return on our annual Lean Six Sigma investment." —Tony Mattei, Lean Six Sigma Director, Frito Lay "Ecolab has experienced a sustainable, competitive advantage through Lean Six Sigma. The principles in this book are helping us drive greater value for our share–holders, better service for our customers, and talent development opportunities for our associates." —Jeffrey E. Burt, Vice President and Global Deployment Leader, Lean Six Sigma, Ecolab "This book gives excellent insights into Lean Six Sigma and its strong impact within different industries. We used Lean Six Sigma in numerous process improvement projects, which, in turn, helped to create momentum and set up a process improvement culture. Amid a challenging economic environment, we are accelerating this initiative globally." ...