The Human Side of High-Tech: Lessons from the Technology Frontier
Автор:Carol Kinsey Goman Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0471344222 "If you want to create an enthusiastic, committed, high-performance workforce today, think democratic. Think equal. Think 'everyone's as important as I am. 'Think ping-pong tables,company picnics, and bagels for everybody. And don't keep secrets!" -from The Human Side of High-Tech Imagine being at a company where the workforce actually views work and fun as synonymous. A company that resembles a playground for gifted children and creates an atmosphere to generate free-flowing ideas. One that provides instant backrubs for overstressed workers and gourmet food for lunch in the office cafeteria. Welcome to the billion-dollar high-tech industry! Silicon Valley forever changed the way the high-tech industry is structured. These companies challenged conventional wisdom to find new and innovative ways to attract and retain talented employees. From the fitness center, on-site car wash, and cleaning services of Cisco Systems to an entire company vacation in Tahoe with...