The Hidden Oracle: The Mystery of India's Naadi Palm Leaf Readers
Автор:Andrew Donovan Год: 2007 Издание:O Books Страниц: 160 ISBN: 1846940745 If someone said they could read your life's past, present and future from ancient Sanskrit inscriptions written on an old palm leaf in a country you've never been to, would you be skeptical? Well Andrew was at least; to him it was impossible. Until he found out otherwise. What is it like to learn that your soul's DNA and true destiny have all been set down in every significant detail on just such a leaf, one that relates to you and to you alone? And for it then to tell you of the 'sins' you're still carrying and how to purge them. And finally to learn what your Future holds. This is the authors' revelatory account of what began through sheer synchronicity yet ended up changing their lives forever. Nothing prepared Andrew for what the Naadi holy men had in store for him.