Автор:John McMahan Год: 2006 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 400 ISBN: 007146865, 007146865X, 007146865X A Codifying “Best Practices” Guide to Effectively Managing the Entire Real Estate Investment Process The Handbook of Commercial Real Estate Investing delivers an authoritative “best practices” approach to the thrajor areas of the industry: investment transactions, asset management, and enterprise management. Skillfully written by John McMahan, a leader of the U.S. commercial real estate investment industry, The Handbook of Commercial Real Estate Investing presentate-of-the-art methods needed to successfully invest in and manage commercial properties such as office buildings, shopping centers, industrial buildings, apartments, and hotels. Designed to codify the industry “best practices” eraged by financial institutions, The Handbook of Commercial Real Estate Investing offers: Complete guidelines for the critical “due diligence” stage of the investment process Effective asset management techniques for...