The Zero-Sum Society: Distribution and the Possibilities for Economic Change
Автор:Lester C. Thurow Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0465085881 A classic in economics from the three-time New York Times best seller. Written during a period of acute economic stagnation in 1980, The Zero-Sum Society discusses the human implications of economic problem solving. Interpreting macroeconomics as a zero-sum game, Thurow proposes that the American economy will not solve its most trenchant problems-inflation, slow economic growth, the environment-until the political economy can support, in theory and in practice, the idea that certain members of society will have to bear the brunt of taxation and other government-sponsored economic actions. As relevant today as it was twenty years ago, The Zero-Sum Society offers a classic set of recommendations about the best way to balance government stewardship of the economy and the free-market aspirations of upwardly mobile Americans.