The Entrepreneur's Internet Handbook: Your Legal and Practical Guide to Starting a Business Website
Автор:Hugo Barreca, Julia K. O'Neill Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 1572482516 This new book gives the reader guidance and key information on setting up shop online, creating a legal and attractive business website, registering the domain accurately, maintaining the site, how to attract visitors to the site and what the Internet can do for you and to you. This handbook also addresses the implementation of business on the website regarding such issues as taxation, fulfillment of orders, customer service and how to receive payments. A complete glossary and index complete this practical legal guide for starting a business website. Whether you are a small business owner seeking to create or enhance your Web presence, or a player in a large enterprise who wants a better understanding of the legal and business fundamentals relevant to your company's Web enterprise, this book will provide important information you need.