The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law: An Introduction
Автор:Michael Faure Год: 2003 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 184376234, 184376234X, 184376234X Book DescriptionAlthough many books focus on law and economics and environmental economics, this is one of the first to combine the two topics in a fully integrated and comprehensive manner. The authors successfully bridge the gap between the disciplinesof environmental law and traditional economics in a lucid and highly accessible style. The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law covers many of the recent advances in the field and integrates some of the most crucial legal and economic instruments which, in the authors? view, have not yet been subjected to proper analysis. These include zoning, expropriation, licensing, third party liability, safety regulation, mandatory insurance and criminal sanctions. The authors pay particular attention to the interrelationships of these instruments and their various economic effects. Using a comparative law and economics methodology, they are also able to incorporate environmental law with international policy and investigate...