Автор: [автор не указан] Год: 2006 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 232 ISBN: 0387257640 The Eastern Enlargement of the EU will not be complete untilA the new member states join the EMU.A Economic andA political economy arguments point to fast EMU accession of new member states. Failure to do soA will create a two speed Europe, a fundamental change in the economic and political architecture of the EU, adding to the strains already evident between core and peripheral countries.A Current high level of trade and business cycle integration of new member states with the Eurozone, decreases the probability of asymmetric shocks. Lower transaction costs,A elimination of exchange rate risk andA the danger of currency crises, further trade and investment creation, lower interest rates and large fiscal gains, should outweigh the loss of the exchange rate asA adjustment tool. The Eastern Enlargement of the EurozoneA providesA comprehensive economic analysis ofA theoretical, empirical and political issues that will determine whether EMU enlargement is a success, whichA has...