Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Научная и техническая литература >Академическая литература зарубежных издательств >Издательство Wiley >Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley >

The Complete Guide to Painting and Decorating Porcelain

Автор: Patricia Newell-Dunkley
Год: 2010
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 172
ISBN: 0709086490
Beautifully illustrated, this guide for both beginners and advanced painters shows step-by-step that anyone can paint if they really want to, and provides guidance every step of the way. The author covers all spheres of porcelain decoration, whether it's flowers or fruit, cats or landscapes, portraits or designs. She shows clearly how to work with many materials and techniques, including mineral oxides, gold and silver, raised paste, lusters, grounding, and the kiln. Porcelain painting since 1970, her vast knowledge and practical experience is packed within the pages, making gorgeous ceramics something even amateurs can enjoy creating.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:03:51



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