
Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Общественные и гуманитарные науки >Литературоведение. Фольклор >Фольклор. Эпос. Мифы >Мифология >

The Church of Mary Magdalene: The Sacred Feminine and the Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau

Автор: Jean Markale
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 328
ISBN: 0892811994
An extensive examination of the religious anomalies and lost treasure of the Mary Magdalene Church in Rennes-le-ChA?teau • Looks at the connection between the Templars, Cathars, and other enigmatic groups in the history of this church and the surrounding area • Maintains that Mary Magdalene was the high priestess who anointed Jesus into his priesthood, in accordance with ancient religious tradition • Explores the role of the Sacred Feminine in early Christian Church history The small church of Rennes-le-ChA?teau, in a remote village in southern France, may well hold the key to the proof of Mary Magdalene’s marriage to Jesus and the bloodline they founded. In 1885 the village of Rennes-le-ChA?teau welcomed a new priest, Abbe SauniA?re, for its church dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene. Abbe SauniA?re ordered very strange restoration work for the church, and it is thought that he discovered something during this...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:43:08



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