The Bible on Leadership: From Moses to Matthew-Management Lessons for Contemporary Leaders
Автор:Lorin Woolfe Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0814406823 Millions have been inspired by the Bible's spiritual lessons. Now, Lorin Woolfe provides a unique way to view the Bible . . . for leadership lessons that can be applied to our modern business world. Consider David's courage and innovation in slaying Goliath with just a stone and a sling; Moses' outstanding "succession planning" in picking Joshua; Joseph and the political skills that brought him to the seat of power; and of course, Jesus' compassion, communication skills, and vision that launched Christianity (a long-term success by any measure). These are leaders among leaders. Their achievements -- and their inspired methods of achievement -- offer a wholly different perspective on business leadership. For the dozens of Biblical stories presented, the book provides: * A concise retelling of each story * One (or more) leadership lessons suggested by each story * Examples of contemporary business leaders who exhibit some of the inspired traits of these ancient leaders,...