Автор:Paul R. Krugman, Paul Krugman Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0262112248 The Age of Diminished Expectations is a remarkable achievement, a quick read that tells you much of what there is to know about the great economic issues of the day. -- Peter Passell, New York Times Book Review Paul Krugmans popular guide to the economic landscape of the 1990s has been revised and updated to take into account economic developments of the past three years. New material in the third edition includes: A new chapter--complete with colorful examples from Lloyds of London andSumitomo Metals--on how risky behavior can lead to disaster in private markets. An evaluation of the Federal Reserves role in reining in economic growth to prevent inflation, and the debate over whether its growth targets are too low. A look at the collapse of the Mexican peso and the burst of Japans bubble economy. A revised discussion of the federal budget deficit, including the growing concern that Social Security and Medicare payments to retiring baby boomers will threaten the...