Tertiary Education in Colombia: Paving the Way for Reform (World Bank Country Study)
Автор:World Bank Год: 2003 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0821354663 Book DescriptionA World Bank Country Study The challenges of the future lie with confronting traditional limitations within a rapidly changing environment. A global information transformation has already affected advanced economies, and it increasingly challenges Latin America. Colombia must become an active member of this new global information and knowledge society. This sector study suggests potential strategies and recommendations that would move the tertiary education sector forward by providingthe flexibility to become more responsive to demands from society, from students, and from the labor market. The first section describes the current tertiary education system. The second provides an economic perspective and argues that the country faces two main obstacles to expansion: rationed number of enrollment places in the public institutions, and stifled demand for private higher education. The final section contains strategies and policy recommendations that support the...