Классическая и современная проза

Список источников >Художественная литература >Проза >Классическая и современная проза >

Terence, Volume I. The Woman of Andros. The Self-Tormentor. The Eunuch

Автор: Terence, John Barsby
Год: 2001
Издание: Loeb Classical Library
Страниц: 464
ISBN: 067499597, 067499597X, 067499597X
Language Notes Text: English, Latin (translation) Original Language: Latin Terence brought to the Roman stage a bright comic voice and a refined sense of style. His six comedies--first produced in the half dozen years before his premature death in 159 BCE--were imaginatively reformulated in Latin plays written by Greek playwrights, especially Menander. For this new Loeb Classical Library edition of Terence, John Barsby gives us a faithful and lively translation with full explanatory notes, facing a freshly edited Latin text. Volume I contains a substantial introduction and three plays: The Woman of Andros , a romantic comedy; The Self-Tormentor , which looks at contrasting father-son relationships; and The Eunuch , whose characters include the most sympathetically drawn courtesan in Roman comedy. The other three plays are in Volume II: Phormio, a comedy of intrigue with an engaging trickster; The Mother-in-Law , unique among Terence's...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:47:02



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