Study and Teaching of 20th Century European History
Автор:Andreas Dieter Boldt Год: 2015 Издание:Scholars' Press Страниц: 196 ISBN: 9783639761597 This handbook encourages history teachers, lecturers and students throughout Europe to extend the breadth of their teaching and studying of the 20th century that takes account of the main forces, movements and events which have shaped the whole continent over the last 120 years. It is aimed at providing them with a wide range of perspectives and teaching ideas on those topics, themes and events which have been of particular significance to Europe as a whole. It offers some practical advice for teachers and lecturers on how to make effective use of some of the more innovative teaching and learning activities in their teaching. This book offers M.A. and PhD students different perspectives for on how to approach and assess topics and themes in European history and it shows how ‘European’ intertwined national and regional history is making the point for future researchers to approach their assessments from a European perspective rather than a regional or national one.