Statistical Matching: Theory and Practice (Wiley Series in Survey Methodology)
Автор:Marcello D'Orazio, Marco Di Zio, Mauro Scanu Год: 2006 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 268 ISBN: 0470023538 There is more statistical data produced in today’s modern society than ever before. This data is analysed and cross-referenced for innumerable reasons. However, many data sets have no shared element and are harder to combine and therefore obtain any meaningful inference from. Statistical matching allows just that; it is the art of combining information from different sources (particularly sample surveys) that contain no common unit. In response to modern influxes of data, it is an area of rapidly growing interest and complexity. Statistical Matching: Theory and Practice introduces the basics of statistical matching, before going on to offer a detailed, up-to-date overview of the methods used and an examination of their practical applications. Presents a unified framework for both theoretical and practical aspects of statistical matching. Provides a detailed description covering all the steps needed to perform statistical matching. Contains a...