Start Your Own Import/Export Business (Entrepreneur Magazine's Start Ups)
Автор: [автор не указан] Год: 2003 Издание:Entrepreneur Press Страниц: 200 ISBN: 1891984810 Turn the World Into Your Market Without Leaving Home! Importing is not just for those lone-wolf, footloose adventurer types who survive by their wits and the skin of their teeth. It's big business these days-;more than $870 billion in goods and services, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Exporting is just as big: In one year alone, American companies exported $349 billion in merchandise to 226 foreign countries. Everything from beverages to commodes-;and a staggering list of other products you might never think of as global merchandise-;are fair game for the savvy trader. But the import/export field is not the sole purview of the big guys. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, large companies sell only 4 percent of all exports. The other 96 percent-;the lion's share of the business-;is wide open to the startup entrepreneur. As a top import/export agent, you can net a healthy six-figure income by matching buyers and sellers from around the globe, right from your own...