Shonen Art Studio: Everything You Need to Create Your Own Shonen Manga Comics
Автор:Yishan Li Год: 2010 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 128 ISBN: 0823033325 Shonen manga means boys’ comicsa??those comics read primarily by boys. This type of manga is more action- and hero-oriented than shoujo, the girls’ manga. Shonen Art Studio demonstrates the myriad ways that shonen manga characters and background scenes can be personalized, adapted, and customized, and reveals the secrets of manga storytelling, pacing, and panel and page composition. The accompanying CD includes gutsy contemporary heroes, cutegirls, supporting casts, backgrounds, page layouts, speech balloons, tones, speed lines, fonts, and eff ectsa??everything a budding mangaka could ever need to create his own, professional looking shonen comics.