Общий менеджмент

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Seven Secrets of Great Entrepreneurial Masters: The GEM Power Formula For Lifelong Success

Автор: Allen E. Fishman
Год: 2006
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 250
ISBN: 0071470719
Revealed for the first time -- the exclusive formula for business success practiced by thousands of entrepreneurs Allen E. Fishman interviewed top entrepreneurs, identifying their common traits and practices to create the GEM Power formula. As a speaker, he has taught the formula to thousands of businesspeople. Now, in Seven Secrets of Great Entrepreneurial Masters, he shares these secrets with you. Filled with thought-provoking written exercises, savvy advice, and inspiring anecdotes, the book takes readers on a journey of guided introspection to help them balance work and life for maximum success and happiness.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:15:59



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