Secrets Of Building A Million Dollar Network Marketing Organization From A Guy Who's Been There Done That And Shows You How To Do It Too
Автор:Joe Rubino Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 1890344060 Have you read the book that can teach you everything you need to know about how to build a successful network marketing empire? "Secrets Of Building A Million Dollar Network Marketing Organization From A Guy Who's Been There Done That And Shows You How To Do It, Too." By Dr. Joe Rubino John Fogg, Editor-in Chief of Upline Magazine, says " This is the best book available today on how to build a networking business. This book is written by a guy who's done it and is doing it, today, with great success. Now you can learn how too." Richard Brooke, CEO of Oxyfresh Worldwide says, "Joe's book is the bible on how to build a successful MLM business. I suggest- as persuasively and powerfully as I can- that you take on mastering Network Marketing the way Dr. Joe Rubino has. Don't just read this book- devour it! Learn the Keys to Success in Building Your Network Marketing Business - From the Man Success Magazine called a "Millionaire Maker" in their December 95 Cover Story. With...