Автор: [автор не указан] Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 158025554, 158025554X, 158025554X Discover the SQL Query window, which provides an easy-to-use windowing interface to the SQL procedure. A comprehensive overview and step-by-step examples show you how to query SAS data sets and data from database management systems. The SQL Query window supports the PROC SQL Pass-Through facility and enables you to access data through remote hosts using SAS/CONNECT software. You can also design reports with PROC REPORT based on your SQL Query Window's output. This title is written for those who are familiar with basic SAS terminology and concepts. No previous experience with PROC SQL or SAS code is needed. This title is available for purchase as a hardcopy or digital book, or in the SAS OnlineDoc CD-ROM with PDF files. The HTML version of SAS OnlineDoc CD-ROM is shipped free with Version 8. Supports releases 8.00 and higher of SAS software.